Christchurch Gastroenterology and Colonoscopy Specialist.
Dr Steven L Ding is well-established in Christchurch Gastroenterology. Offering colonoscopy, bowel cancer screening and other gastroenterology services.
Steven Ding is known for his expertise in Gastroenterology, diagnosis, and treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. His extensive subspecialty interests include:
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Indigestion, heartburn, reflux
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Coeliac disease, gluten intolerance, IBS and other bowel problems
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Crohn's disease and colitis
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Liver abnormalities
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Christchurch Gastroenterology is a proud Southern Cross Health Society Affiliated Provider.
Affiliated Providers are doctors, specialists or medical facilities contracted to provide Southern Cross members with certain healthcare services at agreed prices.

Your Gastroenterology Specialist.
For enquiries please contact,
Susan, Christina or Alyesha.